Small Groups

Welcome to the NewBreed Small Groups, where men come together to deepen their faith, foster meaningful connections, and grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. We believe that studying the Bible in community is a powerful way to strengthen our relationship with God and with one another. Whether you are a seasoned Bible scholar or just beginning your spiritual journey, our small groups provide a safe and supportive environment for men to engage in authentic discussions, ask questions, and explore the teachings of Scripture. Join us as we embark on this enriching journey of fellowship, discipleship, and spiritual growth, discovering together the profound wisdom and transformative power of God’s Word in our lives.

bible & brew

Bible and Brew is a men’s small group devoted to one very simple premise; men cannot do life alone! We are committed to the development of genuine relationships that are only created by doing life together. We encourage spiritual growth by spending time in God’s Word and other topically relevant studies to encourage our journey.

Not sure if this is for you?

It’s a safe place where any guy with a desire to know God more can come and learn, share, grow and mature. We don’t claim to have life all figured out. We realize we are all broken and in need our savior Jesus Christ. We all struggle, but we don’t hide behind our junk. We are transparent, vulnerable and real, which creates a safe place for men to talk about real issues that affect their lives. Whether you’re still trying to figure out who Jesus is or you’re a biblical scholar, there’s a place for you at our table. Just bring a healthy dose of genuine honesty and transparency!

Why Bible & Brew?

We aren’t a group of guys caught up in pretending that we need to be different people when we go to church and especially when we dive into the Word of God. We want to invite God into our daily lives, just as we are, and that includes possibly having a beer and chicken wings while studying the Bible! This is how we invite and incorporate God into our daily lives and daily activities… In real, authentic community!

Chandler – When & Where

Leader: Kerry Hogan
(480) 205-5850

Location: Fibber McGee’s Irish Pub
1989 W. Elliot Rd. Chandler, AZ 85224

Time: Thursdays from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM


Journeymen is primarily a virtual gathering of like minded men with a passion to learn more about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit by being in our studies daily using an app called YouVersion (works on both Apple & Android). Study plans are chosen and invites to participate each time. You can opt-in or opt-out as your schedule allows, however, we encourage each man to practice a daily routine. The studies range from simple to complex but there’s always something in them for everyone. Each study consists of a devotional (sometimes with accompanied videos), scripture verses that support the devotional’s message, and most powerful is the “Talk it Over” section at the end where we post our observations, takeaways, ah-ha’s, questions, or simply support for what someone else wrote!

Journeymen are helping guys learn the nature of God through his word and practical studies where we get to let it transform us. It’s a great way to develop fellowship with other men and you don’t even have to live close by! If you do, some of us usually gets together for coffee/breakfast on Friday mornings at 6am. We are currently meeting at Chase’s diner on the NW corner of Warner and Alma School.

If you are interested in participating in the YouVersion study, or simply want to stop by for some coffee on a Friday morning, you can call or text Cecil Walker at 480.236.5763 for details or 

Titus House is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping underserved men with a community of love, support and shelter as they rebuild their lives. Titus House aims to provide men with a supportive low cost Christian community where they can grow, obtain a career, live the truth of God’s word and achieve a successful transition back into society as productive citizens and builders of His Kingdom.

The Titus House Mentoring Ministry is designed for the purpose of cultivating holistic relationships between the residents of Titus House and Christian men who desire to follow the word of God and serve others. Breathing Life International has partnered with Titus House to develop these mentoring relationships. 

Each resident is assigned a mentor to engage with on a one-on-one basis. The confidentiality of this relationship is of utmost importance and we ask our mentors to keep all personal conversation between them and their mentees, with certain exceptions such as safety or health. The idea is to build lifelong, God-centered relationships, where the men in Titus House can reach out to their mentor for advice, guidance and support. This ministry is volunteer based and always in need of mentors.

Weekly Sessions

6:00 – 7:00 PM

Co-Faciliators: Kerry Hogan  and Geoff Sharp

Young Men and Fire

Fire From Above      Fire From Below      Fire From Within


Practical Application

  • Facilitated “Campfire Conversation”
  • Collaborative Discovery
  • Environment of Vulnerability
  • 1 on 1 Fellowship
  • “Program” Advancement

Young Men and Fire seeks to serve 18-28 year old men on a spectrum from non-believer to seasoned followers of Jesus.  Participants must show intrinsic motivation, be hungry o to learn about God and live in the Phoenix Metro Area.

Facilitator: Rylin Brown


Location: TBD

Time/Date: Bi-Monthly

Fathers for Fathers


 What is the Purpose?

 Fathers for Fathers is a group designed to support, encourage, and empower fathers of all walks of life.

This group is designed by fathers for fathers to support and equip men to be able to best lead their families in a broken world that is purposely aiming to attack the family unit.

The focus is on mentorship and fellowship and to be able to gain and share life experiences with new and younger fathers to empower the next generation.

 How Will it work?

The goal will be to meet once a month together doing something fun to create opportunities for fellowship and bonding.

Fathers will be encouraged to connect with someone new each meeting.

The hope/goal is that fathers will have the opportunity to reach out to one another in support and encouragement between monthly meetings to allow for natural mentorship to take place.

Facilitator: Joshua Lentz

Time/Date: Monthly

Location: New every month


ELEVATE is a Forum for learning, developing and discussing the application of Living in Fullness as Jesus and scripture describes it.

It’s common to invite men to a Bible study and have a fraction of them actually show up. On top of that, the fallout rate is pretty high. So, I designed Elevate to be a place where men “Collaborate” under a formatted process that focuses on developing friendships into relationships while incorporating biblical studies that teach spiritual growth for living from the inside out. Taking life to a new level lines up with Jesus’ teachings to live as a new creation the abundant life he has for us.

Building friendships and relationships through a commitment to come together for a period of time, establishes longevity in attendance. Collaboration aids the merging of the minds and hearts to brainstorming ideas, help resolve issues and encourage each other toward greatness, thus elevating life and living. Collaboration develops partnerships with each other.

Elevate is an early morning gathering. Typically this type of early meeting or mid-day meetings attract professionals with flexible schedules and or men with incredible discipline as well as the old guys that are close to retirement or simply retired. These men are more likely to stay the course long term. This gathering separates men into small groups of 2-6 men. The commitment to come together to build and encourage each other is dynamic for these types of men. The flow system we will implement in the organization will also help develop new candidates for Point Man.

Weekly Sessions

Start Date: TBD5:30 AM – Intro/Worship
6:00 – 6:30 AM – Collaboration/Partnership Session

Get More info

If you’re interested in learning more about our Small Groups, please feel free to Contact us!