
Empowering men with the tools and skills to duplicate the message of Christ and breathe life into others


Identifying men who live these 4 E’s


Recognizing a man’s spiritual gifts, talents and skills publicly


Affirming in men the power and authority to fulfill what God has assigned


Declaring and celebrating a man’s unique call based on his new identity in Christ

Point Man support, assist and represent the organization.

Breathing Life International is a faith-based, non-demoninational organization expressing the essentials of the Christian faith through grace and encourage men to live their new identity in Christ as a New Breed of man.

As Breathing Life International grows, so does the need to develop a support team that believes what Breathing Life International is about as well as represent the organization. Those who choose to volunteer and are endorsed to represent the organization are called Point Man.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the Point Man program, please fill out the form and select Volunteer for area of interest.